
clearTo Contribute, Click On That Big “Donate Button” To The Right!point3

This project is made possible through a ton of sweat equity invested by the staff of the Busker Hall of Fame and the generous support of listeners to the podcast, readers of the stories and patrons of all we’re trying to achieve with this project. If you want to help support this effort, you have two options: First, you can become an ongoing supporter of the project by clicking on the link to our Patreon Page, second, if you’d prefer to make a one time donation clicking on the ‘Donate’ logo will whisk you off to our PayPal Donation Page where you’ll be able drop some love into our virtual hat electronically! Whatever you choice, we thank you for believing in this project and choosing to support it.

Recent Donors

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2014 Crowd Sourcing Initiative!

Between November 1 – December 31, 2014 we’re attempted to raise $1000.00 to knock out our deficit and have enough money on hand to enter 2015. Huge thanks to these donors for helping reach our goal!

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Prior Donors

This is a list of all the talented and delightful people who’ve contributed to the Busker Hall of Fame leading up to the November 1st Fund-Raising Campaign – Thank You All So Much!

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