David Aiken


David Aiken, co-founder of the Busker Hall of Fame, has called himself “The Checkerboard Guy” for over thirty years and intends to keep doing so for as long as the ride will last.

Born to Kiwis (the nationality, not the bird or the fruit) he wallowed in awkward conformity until he inadvertently started tossing socks around at the age of 13.

Drawn to juggling’s elegance and it’s pseudo meditative nature, he quickly realized that it could also be used as a substitute for actual social skills and started implementing his dexterity as the means to attract attention mere weeks after teaching himself the basic three-ball cascade.

The fascination with the checkerboard pattern started with a pair of VANS sneakers in the mid-80s and eventually took over most parts of his body. This was the visual hook that he craved and one that was well suited to his OCD view of the world – crisp, clean, controlled and orderly.

Decades after it all began he still wallows in the perfect high that can only be found in the audience/performer exchange and has enjoyed it’s intoxicating effects in just about every venue imaginable.

Husband of one, father of two he can be found walking Haku the Wonder Dog daily when ever he finds himself at his North Vancouver home.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheCheckerboardGuy
Twitter: @checkerboardguy
Blog: http://thecheckerboardguy.com/extras/blog

Daivd’s Writings:

[supsystic-tables id=’19’]

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