Short – Busker HoF 40 – Results May Vary


Episode Notes:

  • Interviewer: Magic Brian
  • Interviewee: Rob Torres
  • Original Recording Date: December 16, 2013
  • Date: Aired: June 15, 2014
  • Locations: Rob Torre’s Trailer during the Big Apple Circus’s Shows in New York City
  • Notes about the Image: The concept and delivery of the cover image for this episode was created by Magic Brian as was the working “Results May Vary” title.
  • Music:
    1. Intro: “Vino” Royalty Free Jingle available in Apple Computers’ GarageBand.
    2. Other Music: “Cascade” by Tim Sars as played by The Carnival Band
  • Mixed and edited by: Magic Brian and David Aiken for The Busker Hall of Fame

Comments: You might think that as a silent clown, Rob Torres would be able to travel the world and have success because his show doesn’t rely on language to craft the funny that binds performer and audiences together. You might think that, but you would be wrong because  apparently funny has different rules of engagement if your willing to travel far enough to where anything becomes possible.

This is particularly true for street performers because Street Pitches offer such a cross section of humanity. Sure this exists at your local busking pitch, but add to this equation the complete cultural shifts that come from being in a foreign land, with a foreign way of thinking and a foreign sense of what funny is and you need to have a certain mailability to make your show work.

Results varied tremendously for Rob when he founds himself in foreign lands but his willingness to look for the funny, make a connection with people and search for a narrative is something that informs this clown’s choices no mater where he finds himself.

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